by Jenn Herrman | Oct 1, 2019 | General Business, Video
When another business approaches you about buying your business the first step is to only talk in vague and general terms until you consult your attorney. Your attorney will tell you what you can disclose and when and what the risks are in disclosing the wrong kind of...
by Jenn Herrman | Oct 1, 2019 | Business Sale and Acquisition, Video
The biggest mistakes that business owners make in acquisitions fall into two obvious categories; those made by sellers and those made by buyers. For a seller, the biggest mistake that they make is disclosing too much information too early at the wrong stages without...
by Jenn Herrman | Oct 1, 2019 | Contract Tips, General Business, Video
Mistake 1: Improperly Signing a Business Contract The biggest mistake that business owners make with business contracts is failing to sign the proper way. If you only sign your name on the contract, then you didn’t obligate your business, you obligated yourself....
by Jenn Herrman | Oct 1, 2019 | General Business, Video
There are five ways to reduce your odds of getting sued. The first is to exercise care in your relationship with the other party. Make sure that you know what your responsibilities are and make sure that they know what their responsibilities are. Second, make sure you...
by Jenn Herrman | Oct 1, 2019 | Business Sale and Acquisition, Video
When you think you’re interested in buying another business the proper place to start is being able to articulate why you want to buy that business and how that business is going to fit strategically with your business; strategically and financially. Once...